As close as a sayings

"Close, but no cigar."

Above is As close as a sayings.

German sayings about wisdom

1. Wer die Wahrheit sagt, braucht ein schnelles Pferd. (He who speaks the truth needs a fast horse.)2. Wer die Zukunft wissen will, muss die Vergangenheit verstehen. (He who wants to know the future must understand the past.)3. Die dümmsten Bauern ernten die dicksten Kartoffeln. (The dumbest f

Good afternoon sayings

1. Good afternoon! May your afternoon be filled with joy and blessings.2. Good afternoon! Hope you're having a wonderful day so far.3. Good afternoon! Make the most of this beautiful day.4. Good afternoon! Take a moment to relax and enjoy the present.5. Good afternoon! Sending you positive

Sayings on probiotics metchnikoff

1. The health of the gut is the foundation of overall health. - Elie Metchnikoff2. Probiotics are the friendly bacteria that keep our gut happy and healthy. - Elie Metchnikoff3. Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. - Elie Metchnikoff4. A healthy gut is a happy gut, thanks to pro

Thoughtful sayings for kids

1. Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde2. In a world where you can be anything, be kind. 3. The more you give, the more you have.4. Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable.5. Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.6. You are brave

Conquer fear quotes and sayings

1. Fear is only as deep as the mind allows. - Japanese Proverb2. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. - Nelson Mandela3. Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision. - Winston Churchill4. Fear is the enemy of success. Conquer it and you will achieve great things. - Unkn

Dream high quotes and sayings

1. Dreams are the seeds of change. - Unknown2. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. - Eleanor Roosevelt3. Dream big and dare to fail. - Norman Vaughan4. Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart. - Roy T. Bennett5.

Sayings about north of england

1. Up north, there's a warmth in the people that matches the chill in the air.2. In the north, the landscapes are rugged and the hearts are resilient.3. From the industrial cities to the rolling hills, the north of England is a tapestry of history and beauty.4. Northern grit and northern wit,

Sausage dog funny sayings

1. I'm not fat, I'm just a little wiener.2. I'm not lazy, I'm conserving energy.3. I may be small, but my bark is mighty.4. I'm not short, I'm vertically challenged.5. I'm not a hot dog, I'm a cool pup.6. I may be low to the ground, but my spirits are high.7. I'm not slow, I'm just taki

Worst sayings of all time

Here are some commonly criticized sayings that are often considered the worst of all time:1. It is what it is. - This saying is often seen as dismissive and unhelpful in difficult situations.2. Everything happens for a reason. - This saying can be insensitive and diminish the struggles people ma

Funny real estate sayings

1. I'm not a real estate agent, I'm a dream maker.2. I'm not just selling a house, I'm selling a lifestyle.3. I'm not a magician, but I can make your dream home disappear from the market.4. Buying a house is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.5. I'm not just a re