As sayings

1. "Actions speak louder than words."

2. "The early bird catches the worm."

3. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch."

4. "A penny saved is a penny earned."

5. "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

6. "Don't put all your eggs in one basket."

7. "The grass is always greener on the other side."

8. "Rome wasn't built in a day."

9. "Better late than never."

10. "Don't cry over spilled milk."

Above is As sayings.

Sayings the pied piper

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Funny music laundry sayings

1. Laundry is the only thing that should be separated by color.2. I'm just here for the spin cycle.3. Laundry day: when I finally get to see my socks again.4. I'm a master at folding fitted sheets... into a ball.5. I'm not lazy, I'm just on energy-saving mode.6. My laundry motto: Wash, dr

Dog luck sayings

1. In the eyes of a dog, a kind word and a pat on the head are worth more than a steak dinner. 2. A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself. 3. Every dog has his day. 4. Luck is a dog named Opportunity. 5. The more people I meet, the more I like my dog. 6.

End of august sayings

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Cute boo sayings

1. You're my boo-tiful love.2. You're the boo to my ghost.3. You're my boo-tiful sunshine.4. You're my boo-tiful soulmate.5. You're my boo-tiful blessing.6. You're my boo-tiful dream come true.7. You're my boo-tiful treasure.8. You're my boo-tiful heart.9. You're my boo-tiful star.

Decoration sayings bath

1. Splish splash, I was taking a bath2. Rub a dub dub, time for a scrub3. Soak your worries away4. Bath time is me time5. Relax, refresh, renew6. Bubbles and bliss7. Calgon, take me away8. Indulge in a little self-care9. Serenity in the tub10. Escape to your own personal spa

Short sayings about summer

1. Sun-kissed days and starlit nights.2. Life is better by the pool in summer.3. Chasing sunsets and making memories.4. Sandy toes and salty kisses.5. Summer: where the days are long and the nights are magic.6. Happiness is a summer breeze.7. Let's make waves and soak up the sun.8. Su

Chinese new year ox sayings

1. 牛年大吉 (niú nián dà jí) - Wishing you great luck in the Year of the Ox.2. 牛气冲天 (niú qì chōng tiān) - May your vitality be as strong as an ox.3. 牛转乾坤 (niú zhuǎn qián kūn) - May the Year of the Ox bring positive changes and opportunities.4. 牛年行大运 (niú nián xíng dà yùn) - May the Year of the O

Ladies t-shirts with religious sayings

There are many online retailers and stores that offer ladies' t-shirts with religious sayings. Some popular options include:1. Faith Over Fear2. Blessed and Grateful3. God is Good All the Time4. Pray More, Worry Less5. Jesus Saves6. Trust in the Lord7. God is Within Her, She Will Not Fa

Good quarantine sayings

1. Stay home, stay safe.2. In this together, apart.3. Quarantine and chill.4. Social distancing, not social isolation.5. Flatten the curve, not the spirit.6. Stay positive, test negative.7. Isolation but not alone.8. Quarantine life, but make it fashion.9. Together apart, stronger a