Asian sayings and proverbs on food

1. "Food is the most important thing for people." - Chinese proverb

2. "Eating is a necessity, but cooking is an art." - Japanese proverb

3. "A meal without rice is like a beautiful woman with only one eye." - Indonesian proverb

4. "He who eats alone chokes alone." - Korean proverb

5. "Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened calf with hatred." - Filipino proverb

6. "The soup must be hot, the tea must be sweet, and the guest must be welcomed." - Indian proverb

7. "A good meal ought to begin with hunger." - Vietnamese proverb

8. "When eating fruit, remember the one who planted the tree." - Malaysian proverb

9. "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now." - Chinese proverb (related to food sustainability)

10. "A full stomach makes a happy heart." - Thai proverb

Above is Asian sayings and proverbs on food.

Child sayings to parents

1. I love you to the moon and back!2. Can we have a family movie night tonight?3. I want to help you cook dinner, can I stir the pot?4. Can we have a picnic in the backyard?5. I drew a picture for you, do you want to see it?6. Can we have a dance party in the living room?7. I'm sorry fo

Adventure love sayings

1. Love is the greatest adventure of all.2. In love, every moment is a new adventure.3. Let's embark on a journey of love together.4. Love is the wildest adventure you'll ever experience.5. With you, every day feels like a new adventure in love.6. Love is the ultimate thrill ride, full of

Icelandic sayings funny

1. Það er ekki allt gull sem glóir - Not all that glitters is gold2. Það er ekki allt gott sem ills - Not everything good is bad3. Það er betra að vera snemma en seint - It's better to be early than late4. Það er ekki allir sem glaðir eru - Not everyone is happy5. Það er gaman að vera gamal

Dark winter sayings

1. In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer. - Albert Camus2. Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home. - Edith Sitwell3. Winter is the time o

Foreign sayings about love

1. French: L'amour est la poésie des sens. (Love is the poetry of the senses)2. Italian: Amor che a nullo amato amar perdona. (Love that exempts no one loved from loving)3. Spanish: El amor todo lo puede. (Love can do anything)4. German: Die Liebe höret nimmer auf. (Love never ends)5. Japane

Angry with friends sayings

1. Friends are supposed to have your back, not stab you in it.2. I'd rather be alone than surrounded by fake friends.3. Betrayal from a friend cuts deeper than a knife.4. True friends don't gossip behind your back.5. I'd rather have a few loyal friends than a bunch of two-faced ones.6. Ac

Being affectionate sayings and quotes

1. I love you more than words can express.2. You are my sunshine on a cloudy day.3. You are the best thing that ever happened to me.4. I fall more in love with you every day.5. You make my heart skip a beat.6. I am so grateful to have you in my life.7. You are my rock, my anchor, my eve

Alcoholic beverage sayings

1. In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria. - Benjamin Franklin2. I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food. - W.C. Fields3. I drink to make other people more interesting. - Ernest Hemingway4. Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be

Shakespear birthday sayings

O, for a muse of fire that would ascend the brightest heaven of invention! - William Shakespeare

Short sayings for

1. Actions speak louder than words.2. Live in the moment.3. Believe in yourself.4. Stay positive.5. Embrace change.6. Dream big.7. Be the change you wish to see in the world.8. Love conquers all.9. Follow your heart.10. Happiness is a choice.