Assumption sayings

1. "Assumptions are the termites of relationships." - Henry Winkler

2. "Assumptions are the mother of all mistakes." - Eugene Lewis Fordsworthe

3. "Assumptions are the windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in." - Isaac Asimov

4. "Assumptions are the enemy of communication." - Eugene Lewis Fordsworthe

5. "Assumptions are the shortcuts of the mind." - Françoise Sagan

6. "Assumptions are the death of curiosity." - Eugene Lewis Fordsworthe

7. "Assumptions are the refuge of the ignorant." - Eugene Lewis Fordsworthe

8. "Assumptions are the plague of the mind." - Eugene Lewis Fordsworthe

9. "Assumptions are the anchors of the mind." - Eugene Lewis Fordsworthe

10. "Assumptions are the handcuffs of the mind." - Eugene Lewis Fordsworthe

Above is Assumption sayings.

Special forces sayings

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