Australian beer drinking sayings

1. "She'll be right mate" - a phrase used to indicate that everything will be okay.

2. "Down a cold one" - to drink a cold beer quickly.

3. "Chucking a sickie" - taking a day off work to recover from a hangover.

4. "Going on a bender" - drinking heavily for an extended period of time.

5. "Pissed as a newt" - very drunk.

6. "Beer o'clock" - the time of day when it's acceptable to start drinking beer.

7. "Sinking a few tinnies" - drinking a few cans of beer.

8. "Getting on the beers" - going out to drink beer with friends.

9. "Liquid courage" - using alcohol to boost confidence.

10. "Having a cold one with the boys" - enjoying a beer with friends.

Above is Australian beer drinking sayings.

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