Australian sayings for have a good time

1. "Have a ripper time!"

2. "Have a bonza time!"

3. "Have a cracker of a time!"

4. "Have a top-notch time!"

5. "Have a beaut time!"

6. "Have a corker time!"

7. "Have a dinkum time!"

8. "Have a grouse time!"

9. "Have a fair dinkum time!"

10. "Have a bloody good time!"

Above is Australian sayings for have a good time.

Thrifty quotes sayings

1. A penny saved is a penny earned. - Benjamin Franklin2. The art is not in making money, but in keeping it. - Proverb3. Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship. - Benjamin Franklin4. Frugality is one of the most beautiful and joyful words in the English language, and y

Apron sayings for christmas

1. Baking spirits bright2. Santa's little helper3. Whisk me away to Christmas4. Making memories in the kitchen5. Sleighing it in the kitchen6. Christmas calories don't count7. Mixing up some holiday cheer8. Festive and flour-covered9. Tis the season to bake10. Jingle all the way t

Copper hair sayings

1. Her hair was the color of a shiny new penny.2. His copper locks gleamed in the sunlight.3. She had a mane of fiery copper hair that cascaded down her back.4. His hair was the color of a glowing ember.5. She had a head full of copper curls that framed her face beautifully.6. His coppery

Controll freak sayings on pinterest

1. Control freaks are just perfectionists with anxiety.2. Let go or be dragged.3. Control what you can, let go of what you can't.4. The only thing you can control is yourself. Let that be enough.5. Control freaks are just afraid of losing control.6. Trying to control everything is a sure

Im as happy as sayings

That's great to hear! Here are a few sayings that might capture your happiness:1. On cloud nine2. Walking on sunshine3. Happy as a clam4. In seventh heaven5. Over the moon6. Like a kid in a candy store7. Tickled pink8. Grinning from ear to ear9. Bursting with joy10. On top of the

Simple sayings for cleanliness and persobnal hygiene for kids

1. Wash your hands before you eat, after using the bathroom, and when you come home.2. Brush your teeth twice a day to keep them strong and healthy.3. Take a bath or shower regularly to stay clean and fresh.4. Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough to prevent spreading germs.5. Keep your

Montaigne sayings

Here are some famous quotes by Michel de Montaigne:- The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.- I quote others only in order the better to express myself.- The only thing certain is nothing is certain.- To learn that we have said or done a foolish thing is nothing,

Punk quotes sayings

1. Punk is not just the sound, the music. Punk is a lifestyle. - Billy Idol2. Punk rock is a word used by dilettantes and heartless manipulators about music that takes up the energies, the bodies, the hearts, the souls, the time and the minds of young men who give everything they have to it. - I

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Putting a band-aid on a bullet wound

Abortion sayings god

There are various perspectives on the topic of abortion in relation to religious beliefs, including those concerning God. Here are a few sayings or quotes that reflect different viewpoints on the matter:1. Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart. - Jeremiah