Avengers birthday card sayings

1. "Happy Birthday, Avenger! May your day be as epic as a battle against Thanos."

2. "Wishing you a super-powered birthday, just like the Avengers!"

3. "Hope your birthday is a smash hit, just like the Hulk!"

4. "Sending you Iron Man levels of awesomeness on your special day!"

5. "You're a true hero in my book, just like Captain America. Happy Birthday!"

6. "May your birthday be as electrifying as Thor's hammer!"

7. "Sending you Black Widow levels of stealth and grace on your birthday!"

8. "Hoping your birthday is as incredible as the Avengers team!"

9. "Wishing you a Hulk-sized birthday full of smashing good times!"

10. "Happy Birthday, Avenger! May your day be filled with super strength and super fun!"

Above is Avengers birthday card sayings.

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