Awkward hug sayings

1. "Hug me like you mean it, even if it's a little awkward."

2. "Let's embrace the awkwardness with this hug."

3. "Our hugs may be awkward, but they're still full of love."

4. "Let's make this hug as awkward as possible, just for fun."

5. "Awkward hugs are the best kind of hugs, don't you think?"

6. "Embrace the awkwardness and give me a hug."

7. "Our hugs may be a little awkward, but they're always genuine."

8. "Let's hug it out, even if it's a bit awkward."

9. "Awkward hugs are just our way of showing affection."

10. "In the world of hugs, awkward is the new cool."

Above is Awkward hug sayings.

Bye cupcake sayings

1. You're the sprinkles on my cupcake.2. Life is sweet with you, cupcake.3. You're the frosting to my cupcake.4. Cupcake kisses and sweet wishes.5. You're the cherry on top of my cupcake.6. Cupcake love is the best kind of love.7. Sweet as a cupcake.8. Life is better with a cupcake in

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2015 graduation sayings

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