Baba bulleh shah sayings

Baba Bulleh Shah was a Punjabi Sufi poet and philosopher known for his spiritual and mystical poetry. Here are some of his famous sayings:

1. "Love is the only religion, and the only way to reach the ultimate truth."

2. "Let go of your ego and surrender to the divine will."

3. "In the garden of love, the only flowers that bloom are those of patience and humility."

4. "The path to enlightenment is through self-realization and inner peace."

5. "Do not be deceived by the illusions of this world, for true happiness lies in the realization of the divine presence within."

6. "The true purpose of life is to find union with the divine and to spread love and compassion to all beings."

7. "Let go of your attachments to material possessions, for they are temporary and will not bring you true fulfillment."

8. "The key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe lies within your own heart."

9. "Do not judge others, for we are all on our own spiritual journey towards enlightenment."

10. "Embrace the path of love and compassion, for it is the only way to find peace and harmony in this world."

Above is Baba bulleh shah sayings.

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