Baba sayings about anger

1. "Anger is like a fire, it can consume you if you let it burn too long."

2. "When you are angry, you are only hurting yourself. Let go of anger and find peace within."

3. "Anger is a temporary madness. Do not let it cloud your judgment and actions."

4. "The best way to overcome anger is with love and understanding."

5. "Anger is a sign of weakness, while forgiveness is a sign of strength."

6. "Do not let anger control you, instead, control your anger with patience and compassion."

7. "Anger only leads to regret and sorrow. Choose peace and happiness instead."

8. "When you are angry, take a deep breath and count to ten. This simple act can help you calm your mind and find clarity."

9. "Anger is like a storm, it will pass. Stay calm and wait for the storm to clear."

10. "Let go of anger and embrace forgiveness. It is the key to inner peace and happiness."

Above is Baba sayings about anger.

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