Baby boy quotes sayings and poems

1. "A baby boy has a special way of bringing out the man in his father and the little boy in his grandfather." - Tanya Masse

2. "A baby boy may leave smudges in the house and also on your heart." - Unknown

3. "A baby boy is a little miracle that you never knew you needed until he arrived." - Unknown

4. "A baby boy is a bundle of joy, sent from heaven above, to fill your hearts with love." - Unknown

5. "A baby boy is a little prince that will grow up to be your king." - Unknown

6. "A baby boy is a little bit of heaven sent down to earth." - Unknown

7. "A baby boy is a treasure from above, who fills your heart with so much love." - Unknown

8. "A baby boy brings joy and laughter, making every day a little brighter." - Unknown

9. "A baby boy is a gift that keeps on giving, filling your life with love and living." - Unknown

10. "A baby boy is a precious gift, a blessing from above, a little boy to cherish and to love." - Unknown

Here is a short poem for a baby boy:

Little hands and little feet,

A baby boy is oh so sweet.

With eyes that sparkle, full of wonder,

He fills our hearts with love and thunder.

His laughter rings throughout the day,

Bringing joy in every way.

A precious gift, a bundle of joy,

Our baby boy, our little boy.

Above is Baby boy quotes sayings and poems.

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