Baby footprint card sayings for mothers day

1. "A mother's love leaves a footprint on our hearts forever."

2. "Walking in your footsteps, Mom, with love every step of the way."

3. "Tiny feet, big love. Happy Mother's Day!"

4. "You've left a lasting impression on my heart, Mom."

5. "Following in your footsteps, Mom, with love and gratitude."

6. "Your love has guided me every step of the way. Happy Mother's Day!"

7. "In the journey of life, your footprints are my favorite path, Mom."

8. "Mom, your love is imprinted on my heart forever."

9. "Thank you for walking beside me every step of the way, Mom."

10. "Mom, your love is the foundation of my life. Happy Mother's Day!"

Above is Baby footprint card sayings for mothers day.

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