Baby grave marker sayings

1. "Forever in our hearts"

2. "Too beautiful for earth"

3. "Gone too soon, but never forgotten"

4. "Our little angel"

5. "In loving memory of our precious baby"

6. "Heaven's littlest angel"

7. "Tiny but mighty"

8. "You will always be loved"

9. "A moment in our arms, forever in our hearts"

10. "Sweet dreams, little one"

Above is Baby grave marker sayings.

Clever sayings rubix and valentines

1. Solving a Rubik's cube is like love - it may be challenging, but the satisfaction of completing it is worth it.2. Just like a Rubik's cube, love is a puzzle that requires patience, determination, and a little twist here and there.3. Love is like a Rubik's cube - sometimes you have to mix thi

Conversation heart sayings printable

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Charlie chaplin great sayings

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Baby shower gift tag sayings

1. Congratulations on your little bundle of joy! Enjoy every moment.2. Wishing you and your baby a lifetime of love and happiness.3. Welcome to the world, little one! You are so loved.4. May your baby bring you endless joy and laughter.5. Here's to sleepless nights and endless cuddles. Cong

Sayings about feeling good

1. Happiness is a choice, not a result.2. Good vibes only.3. Today is a good day to have a great day.4. Choose joy.5. Feeling good, living better.6. Positivity is the key to a happy life.7. Smile, it's contagious.8. Embrace the good vibes.9. Life is better when you're laughing.10.

Sayings about being in competition with yourself

1. The only competition you should have is with the person you were yesterday.2. Your biggest rival is the person staring back at you in the mirror.3. Compete with yourself to become the best version of who you can be.4. Challenge yourself to surpass your own limits and expectations.5. The

Inequity of the world sayings

1. The world is a stage where some are given the spotlight while others are left in the shadows.2. In a world of plenty, some go hungry while others feast.3. Life is like a game where some are born with a head start while others struggle to catch up.4. The scales of justice are often tipped i

Batman movie quotes and sayings lego

1. I only work in black. And sometimes, very, very dark gray. - Batman2. I'm Batman. - Batman3. It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me. - Batman4. You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. - Harvey Dent5. I'm not wearing hockey p

Unexpected gift sayings

1. Surprise is the greatest gift which life can grant us. - Boris Pasternak2. The best gifts come unexpectedly from the heart, not the store. 3. Unexpected gifts are the best gifts because they show that someone was thinking of you when you least expected it.4. The joy of unexpected gifts is

Big black beautiful woman sayings

Here are some empowering sayings often associated with big, black, beautiful women:1. I am not defined by my size, my color, or my beauty. I am defined by my strength, my resilience, and my grace.2. My curves are a celebration of my femininity, my power, and my beauty.3. I am unapologetically b