Baby sayings on a cake

1. "Twinkle, twinkle little star, do you know how loved you are?"

2. "Sweet as sugar, cute as a button, our little one is truly something!"

3. "Welcome to the world, little one, you are our greatest joy."

4. "Tiny hands and tiny feet, our hearts are now complete."

5. "A little miracle in pink and blue, our love for you is oh so true."

6. "From small beginnings come great things, welcome to the world, little wings."

7. "You are our sunshine, our little ray of light, may your days be filled with love and delight."

8. "Dream big, little one, for you are our greatest dream come true."

9. "Little hands, little feet, a lifetime of memories we can't wait to meet."

10. "You are the sweetest little pea in our pod, our love for you will never be flawed."

Above is Baby sayings on a cake.

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Duck call sayings

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