Baby shower diaper raffle poems sayings

Here are a few diaper raffle poems and sayings for a baby shower:

1. "Bring a pack of diapers, big or small, for a chance to win a prize for all!"

2. "Diapers are a gift that's oh so sweet, bring a pack to enter the raffle and compete!"

3. "Help the parents stock up on diapers galore, bring a pack to enter the raffle and win even more!"

4. "Diapers are a necessity, that much is true, bring a pack to enter the raffle and win a prize or two!"

5. "For every pack of diapers you bring, your chances of winning something special will sing!"

Feel free to customize these poems to fit the theme and tone of the baby shower you are hosting.

Above is Baby shower diaper raffle poems sayings.

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