Back of business card sayings for cake business

1. "Life is short, eat the cake!"

2. "Indulge in sweetness with every bite."

3. "Celebrating life, one slice at a time."

4. "Where every cake tells a story."

5. "Baking memories that last a lifetime."

6. "Sweet treats for every occasion."

7. "Turning ordinary moments into extraordinary memories."

8. "Creating happiness, one cake at a time."

9. "Because every celebration deserves a delicious cake."

10. "Serving up smiles with every slice."

Above is Back of business card sayings for cake business.

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As pious as sayings

Actions speak louder than words.

Shana tova sayings

1. May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year.2. Wishing you a sweet and joyful new year.3. May this year be filled with blessings and happiness.4. Shana Tova u'Metuka - a good and sweet year to you.5. May you have a year filled with health, prosperity, and peace.6. Wishing you a yea

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Sayings must go throught thf furnace

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