Bad karma sayings

1. "Karma is a b*tch, and so am I."

2. "Karma's a b*tch, but so am I, so watch out."

3. "Karma's coming for you, and she's not happy."

4. "What goes around comes around, and it's coming for you."

5. "Karma's a b*tch, and she's got your number."

6. "You reap what you sow, and karma's waiting for you."

7. "Karma's a b*tch, and she's got a long memory."

8. "Karma's a b*tch, and she's about to pay you a visit."

9. "Karma's coming for you, and she's not in a forgiving mood."

10. "Karma's a b*tch, and she's got a score to settle with you."

Above is Bad karma sayings.

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