Bad stepmother quotes and sayings

1. "A stepmother is like a dark cloud that hovers over your happiness."

2. "Stepmothers: the wicked witches of real life fairy tales."

3. "Stepmothers have a way of turning a happy home into a house of horrors."

4. "A stepmother's love is as fake as her smile."

5. "Stepmothers: the ultimate villains in the story of my life."

6. "Stepmothers are experts at breaking hearts and destroying dreams."

7. "A stepmother's presence is like a poison that slowly kills the family bond."

8. "Stepmothers bring chaos and discord wherever they go."

9. "Stepmothers are masters of manipulation and cruelty."

10. "A stepmother's love is a facade, hiding her true intentions of control and domination."

Above is Bad stepmother quotes and sayings.

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