Bad weather sayings funny

1. "It's raining cats and dogs out there, so I guess we should watch out for poodles and tabbies falling from the sky!"

2. "The weather is so bad, even the weatherman is seeking shelter!"

3. "The wind is so strong, I saw a squirrel holding onto a tree for dear life!"

4. "This weather is so gloomy, even the clouds are wearing raincoats!"

5. "It's so cold outside, I saw a snowman shivering!"

6. "The weather is so unpredictable, I saw a bird wearing a rain hat and sunglasses!"

7. "The rain is coming down harder than a kid in a candy store!"

8. "The weather is so bad, even the umbrella gave up and flew away!"

9. "It's so windy, I saw a tumbleweed rolling down the street with a parachute!"

10. "The weather is so bad, I'm starting to think Mother Nature is just having a bad hair day!"

Above is Bad weather sayings funny.

21st birthday funny quotes and sayings

1. You're not getting older, you're just upgrading to version 21.0!2. Cheers to 21 years of being fabulous and legally able to do all the things you've been doing anyway!3. At 21, you're officially old enough to know better, but still young enough to do it anyway.4. Turning 21 is like unlocki

Custom made t shirt sayings

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Willpower is like a peanut - small but mighty. Crack open your willpower like a peanut shell and unleash your strength. Just as a peanut requires effort to crack open, so too does achieving your goals require willpower. Willpower is the fuel that keeps you going, just like peanuts are a sourc

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1. Forever in our hearts.2. Gone but never forgotten.3. In loving memory.4. Always remembered, never forgotten.5. Rest in peace, dear friend.6. You will be missed, but never forgotten.7. In our hearts forevermore.8. Cherished memories live on.9. Your spirit lives on in our hearts.1

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