Badass sayings for guys

1. "I didn't come this far to only come this far."

2. "Success is the best revenge."

3. "I'd rather be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war."

4. "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness."

5. "I'm not here to fit in, I'm here to stand out."

6. "I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not."

7. "I'm not a one in a million kind of guy, I'm a once in a lifetime kind of man."

8. "I'm not a player, I'm the game."

9. "I'm not a superhero, but I could be your hero."

10. "I'm not here to be average, I'm here to be awesome."

Above is Badass sayings for guys.

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