Bahamian expressions sayings

1. "Sip sip, sip sip" - This expression is used to describe gossip or sharing of information.

2. "Inagua rush" - Refers to being in a hurry or rushing to get something done.

3. "Potcake" - Refers to a mixed-breed dog, commonly found in the Bahamas.

4. "Conchy Joe" - Refers to a person of mixed Bahamian and European descent.

5. "Da ting ga long" - This expression means that something will take a long time to happen or be completed.

6. "Like peas and rice" - Refers to something that goes together perfectly, like the popular Bahamian dish of peas and rice.

7. "All day, all night, all day, all night" - Used to emphasize that something is happening continuously or repeatedly.

8. "Monkey know which tree to climb" - Refers to someone who is clever or knows how to navigate a situation effectively.

9. "Cutting a jig" - Refers to dancing or moving energetically.

10. "Mind ya business" - A common expression used to tell someone to stay out of other people's affairs.

Above is Bahamian expressions sayings.

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