Baptism sayings for adults

1. "I have decided to follow Jesus and I am proud to publicly declare my faith through baptism."

2. "Today I am washed clean in the waters of baptism, ready to start a new chapter in my life."

3. "I am grateful for the opportunity to be baptized as an adult, symbolizing my commitment to living a life of faith."

4. "Through baptism, I am reborn in Christ and ready to walk in His light."

5. "I may be an adult, but today I feel like a child of God, embraced by His love through baptism."

6. "In the waters of baptism, I leave my old self behind and embrace a new life filled with hope and purpose."

7. "Baptism is not just a ritual, but a powerful symbol of my faith and commitment to following Jesus."

8. "I may have come to faith later in life, but through baptism, I am fully embraced by God's grace and love."

9. "Today I am baptized as an adult, affirming my belief in the power of God's love and forgiveness."

10. "I am grateful for the opportunity to publicly declare my faith through baptism, knowing that I am a beloved child of God."

Above is Baptism sayings for adults.

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