Baptism sayings for babies

1. "Bless this child with love and grace, as they are baptized in faith."

2. "May this little one be filled with the light of God's love as they are baptized today."

3. "In the waters of baptism, may this child be cleansed and blessed with joy."

4. "As this baby is baptized, may they be wrapped in the warmth of God's embrace."

5. "Welcome to the family of faith, little one. May your baptism be the beginning of a life filled with blessings."

6. "On this special day of baptism, may God's love shine upon this precious child."

7. "May the Holy Spirit guide and protect this baby as they are baptized into the Christian faith."

8. "As this child is baptized, may they grow in wisdom, grace, and faith."

9. "Baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, may this baby be forever blessed."

10. "May the waters of baptism wash away all sin and fill this child's heart with love and peace."

Above is Baptism sayings for babies.

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