Barbie sayings tumblr

Here are some popular Barbie sayings that you might find on Tumblr:

1. "Life is a party, dress like it!"

2. "I'm not a girl who waits for a prince. I'm the girl who saves herself."

3. "Why be moody when you can shake your booty?"

4. "You can never have too much pink."

5. "Be your own kind of beautiful."

6. "Life is better in plastic."

7. "I'm not a doll, I'm an action figure."

8. "Dream big, sparkle more, shine bright."

9. "I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie world."

10. "Who says blondes have more fun? I'm having a blast!"

Above is Barbie sayings tumblr.

Assistant sayings

1. Every cloud has a silver lining.2. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.3. The only way to do great work is to love what you do.4. Success is not the key to happiness, happiness is the key to success.5. The best way to predict the future is to create it.6. In the middle of difficu

Bridesmaid thank you card sayings

1. Thank you for standing by my side on the most important day of my life. Your love and support mean the world to me.2. I am so grateful to have you as my bridesmaid. Your kindness and friendship have made this journey so special.3. Thank you for being a part of my bridal party and for all the sayings

1. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.2. I am so grateful for your kindness, thank you.3. I can't thank you enough for all that you've done.4. Your generosity and thoughtfulness mean the world to me, thank you.5. I appreciate you more than words can express, thank you.6. Thank you for

Greeting card sayings just because

1. Just because you're you, and that's reason enough to celebrate!2. Thinking of you just because... and sending lots of love your way.3. No special occasion, just wanted to remind you how special you are to me.4. Just because you're amazing, and I wanted you to know.5. Sending you a little

Cute peeps sayings

1. You're the bee's knees!2. You're a hoot and a half!3. You're as sweet as pie!4. You're the cat's pajamas!5. You're a ray of sunshine!6. You're a gem!7. You're the apple of my eye!8. You're a real peach!9. You're a total catch!10. You're a star in my book!

Famous sayings about islands

1. No man is an island. - John Donne2. Every man is an island unto himself. - Henry Miller3. An island of tranquility in a sea of noise. - Unknown4. The island is a world apart, a world of its own. - Rachel Carson5. Islands are metaphors of the heart, no matter what poet says otherwise. -

Beautiful sayings for tombstones

1. Forever in our hearts2. Gone but never forgotten3. In loving memory4. Rest in peace5. Always in our thoughts6. Forever loved, forever missed7. In loving memory of a life well lived8. Your spirit lives on9. Forever in our memories10. Resting in eternal peace

Crazy as a sayings

Crazy as a loon

Scottis sayings for yes

1. Aye2. Aye, aye3. Aye, right enough4. Aye, that's right5. Aye, that'll do6. Aye, for sure7. Aye, no bother8. Aye, without a doubt9. Aye, that's the ticket10. Aye, that's the way of it

Sayings for plant the seed

1. Plant the seed of kindness and watch it grow into a beautiful garden of love.2. Plant the seed of knowledge and reap the fruits of wisdom.3. Plant the seed of hope and let it bloom into a garden of possibilities.4. Plant the seed of gratitude and harvest a field of blessings.5. Plant the