Basball coach with funny sayings

1. "Remember, it's called a 'baseball diamond' for a reason - let's make sure we're shining bright out there!"

2. "If you're not getting dirty, you're not playing hard enough! Embrace the dirt, boys!"

3. "I don't always give pep talks, but when I do, I make sure they're home run hitters!"

4. "Why did the baseball player go to the bank? To get his 'change up'!"

5. "You miss 100% of the pitches you don't swing at - so swing away, boys!"

6. "In baseball, it's not about how hard you throw, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward - just like life, but with more bats!"

7. "I've seen better swings on a playground! Let's show those swings who's boss out there!"

8. "Why did the baseball player bring string to the game? So he could tie the score!"

9. "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again - and if that doesn't work, blame the umpire!"

10. "Baseball is 90% mental and the other half is physical - so let's make sure we're using all our brain cells out there, boys!"

Above is Basball coach with funny sayings.

Christmad card sayings

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Inspirational sayings in marathi

1. जीवनात आणि संघर्षात सदैव धैर्य ठेवा.2. उद्यमाच्या शक्तीने सर्व संभाव्य काम संपवू शकतात.3. संघर्षात असलेल्या माणसाला हरवून जाण्याची अनुभूती नको.4. जीवनात आनंदाची भरभराट करा, कारण तो एक अद्वितीय अनुभव आहे.5. आपल्या स्वप्नांच्या पुर्तत्वात आपल्याला कोणीही विघ्न टाकू शकत नाही.

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