Batten down the hatches and other sayings

"Batten down the hatches" is a nautical saying that means to prepare for a difficult or challenging situation. It originated from the practice of securing the hatches on a ship with wooden battens to prevent water from entering during a storm.

Other similar sayings that convey a sense of preparation or readiness for a difficult situation include:

1. "Brace yourself" - to prepare mentally or emotionally for something challenging.

2. "Gird your loins" - to prepare yourself for a difficult task or situation.

3. "Hunker down" - to settle in and prepare for a difficult or prolonged situation.

4. "Steel yourself" - to mentally prepare for something difficult or challenging.

5. "Prepare for the worst, hope for the best" - to be ready for any outcome while remaining optimistic.

6. "Fortify yourself" - to strengthen yourself mentally or emotionally for a challenging situation.

7. "Get your ducks in a row" - to get organized and prepared for a task or situation.

8. "Button up" - to prepare for a difficult situation by closing or securing things.

9. "Tighten your belt" - to prepare for difficult times by being frugal or conservative.

10. "Buckle down" - to focus and work hard on a task or goal.

Above is Batten down the hatches and other sayings.

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