Battousai sayings

Here are some famous sayings attributed to Battousai, also known as Himura Kenshin from the anime and manga series "Rurouni Kenshin":

1. "The scar of my past will determine my future."

2. "A sword is a weapon. Kenjutsu is the art of killing. Whatever pretty words you use to speak of it, this is its true nature."

3. "The scar that remains on my heart is proof that I am a swordsman."

4. "The true purpose of a sword is to protect life, and to take life is to know the weight of a human soul."

5. "The sword is a weapon for killing. But it is also a weapon for protecting life."

6. "The strongest steel is forged in the hottest fire."

7. "The path of the sword is the path of the heart."

8. "A sword is a weapon. The art of swordsmanship is learning how to kill. That is the truth."

9. "The true strength of a swordsman is not in his blade, but in his heart."

10. "A sword is a tool for justice. It is not a weapon for killing."

Above is Battousai sayings.

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