Bayazid bastami sayings

Bayazid Bastami was a renowned Persian Sufi mystic and poet known for his profound sayings and teachings. Here are a few of his notable sayings:

1. "The true Sufi is such that even when he is unjustly accused, attacked, and condemned from all sides, he patiently endures, uttering not a single bad word about any of his critics. A Sufi never apportions blame. How can there be opponents or rivals or even 'others' when there is no 'self' in the first place?"

2. "Iblis (Satan) said: 'I am better than Adam.' Firawn (Pharaoh) said: 'I am your supreme lord.' Qarun (Korah) said: 'This wealth is due to my knowledge.' Haman said: 'I have built this empire with my own hands.' Nimrod said: 'I give life and death.' But the truth is that death comes to them all and then they will be raised up for the judgment."

3. "The true Sufi is one who is in the world like the lotus leaf upon the water. He is not wetted by water, nor is he soiled by mud."

4. "The Sufi is the son of the moment. He is not concerned about the past, nor does he worry about the future. He lives in the present, seeking only the pleasure of his Beloved."

5. "If you find yourself alone, riding in the green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled, for you are in Elysium, and you are already dead!"

These sayings reflect Bayazid Bastami's deep spiritual insights and his emphasis on detachment from the material world and ego, and the importance of living in the present moment with a focus on spiritual growth and connection with the Divine.

Above is Bayazid bastami sayings.

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