Beachy christmas card sayings

1. "Warm wishes from our sandy shores to yours this holiday season."

2. "May your Christmas be as bright and sunny as a day at the beach."

3. "Sending you waves of joy and peace this Christmas."

4. "Tropical tidings and sandy greetings for a beachy Christmas."

5. "May your holiday season be filled with sunshine, sand, and sea."

6. "Wishing you a coastal Christmas filled with love and laughter."

7. "Sandy toes and Christmas cheer, may your holiday be full of good cheer."

8. "Dreaming of a white sandy beach Christmas."

9. "May your Christmas be merry and bright, just like a day at the beach."

10. "Sending you warm ocean breezes and holiday wishes this Christmas."

Above is Beachy christmas card sayings.

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