Bearnick sayings lingo

1. "Keep on truckin'!" - Keep moving forward and persevering.

2. "Don't be a square, man!" - Don't be boring or conventional.

3. "That's the bee's knees!" - That's excellent or outstanding.

4. "Let's split this joint!" - Let's leave or go.

5. "Cool beans!" - That's great or awesome.

6. "Catch you on the flip side!" - See you later.

7. "Don't have a cow!" - Don't overreact or get upset.

8. "Groovy, man!" - That's really cool or awesome.

9. "Let's blow this popsicle stand!" - Let's leave this place.

10. "Far out!" - That's amazing or impressive.

Above is Bearnick sayings lingo.

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