Beautiful and chubby sayings

1. "Chubby cheeks, rosy glow, beauty that truly shows."

2. "Curves are beautiful, embrace your natural shape."

3. "Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, including yours."

4. "Love your curves, they make you uniquely beautiful."

5. "Chubby is the new sexy, confidence is key."

6. "Embrace your softness, it's a sign of your strength."

7. "Beauty is not defined by size, but by the love you show yourself."

8. "Chubby and charming, a winning combination."

9. "Your curves are a work of art, be proud of your masterpiece."

10. "Radiate beauty from within, regardless of your size."

Above is Beautiful and chubby sayings.

Sayings that don't mean what you think

1. The early bird catches the worm - This saying is often used to encourage people to wake up early and be proactive. However, it can also be interpreted as a reminder that sometimes the early bird may not always get the best reward.2. Actions speak louder than words - While this saying is commo

Funny sayings for financial services

1. Money talks, but all mine ever says is 'goodbye.'2. I'm not cheap, I'm just on a strict budget.3. I'm so broke, I can't even afford to pay attention.4. I'm not a financial advisor, but I do give out free financial advice: 'Don't spend more than you earn.'5. I'm not sure if I'm saving mon

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1. I may be quiet, but my mind is always racing. - Scorpio man2. I am fiercely loyal to those who have earned my trust. - Scorpio man3. I see through lies and deception with ease, so don't even try to deceive me. - Scorpio man4. I am passionate in everything I do, whether it's love, work, or

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1. Life is a circus, and sometimes you have to be the ringmaster. - Unknown2. In the circus, it's not about the tricks you can do, but the joy you can bring. - Unknown3. Life is a circus ring, with some moments more spectacular than others. - Janusz Korczak4. The circus is a jealous wench. In

Free printable welsh sayings about cwtch

Here are a few Welsh sayings about cwtch that you can use as printable designs:1. Cwtch me if you can2. Cwtch up and stay cozy3. In a world full of chaos, find your cwtch4. A cwtch a day keeps the worries away5. Home is where the cwtch is6. Cwtch: the Welsh cure for everything7. Cwtch

Beach sayings for kids

1. Life's a beach, enjoy the waves!2. Sandy toes and salty kisses.3. Mermaid kisses and starfish wishes.4. Seas the day!5. Shell yeah!6. Let's make some waves.7. Beach hair, don't care.8. Catch you on the next wave.9. Sun, sand, and a hand in hand.10. Just keep swimming.

Funny sayings for baking

1. Baking is my cardio...because I eat all the cookies afterwards.2. I knead you like I knead dough.3. I'm on a roll...literally, I'm making cinnamon rolls.4. Baking: the only time it's acceptable to play with your food.5. I'm just a cupcake looking for my stud muffin.6. Baking is a piece

Great god quotes sayings

1. God is great, not just because nothing is too big for Him, but because nothing is too small. - Unknown2. God is great in mercy, great in power, great in love. - Charles Spurgeon3. God is great not just because of what He can do, but because of who He is. - Unknown4. God is great in goodnes

Beautiful sayings about myself

1. I am a masterpiece in progress, constantly evolving and growing into the best version of myself.2. I radiate positivity and light, illuminating the world around me with my unique presence.3. I am a reflection of strength and resilience, overcoming challenges with grace and determination.4.

Hurt sayings about love

1. Love is like a rose, beautiful and enticing, but beware of its thorns that can leave you bleeding.2. Love is a double-edged sword, it can bring you the greatest joy or the deepest pain.3. Love is a battlefield, where hearts are wounded and scars are left behind.4. Love is a cruel master, d