Beautiful bird thai sayings

1. "นกสวยในป่า กางเกงสวยในบ้าน" (Nok suai nai pa, kangeng suai nai ban) - "Beautiful bird in the forest, beautiful pants at home." This saying emphasizes the importance of dressing appropriately for different occasions.

2. "นกหวีดสวย หางเสีย" (Nok weet suai, hang sia) - "Beautiful feathers, but a broken tail." This saying is used to describe someone who appears attractive on the outside but lacks substance or character.

3. "นกเขาดี หางเสีย" (Nok khao dee, hang sia) - "Good bird, but a broken tail." Similar to the previous saying, this one highlights the idea of someone being good or talented but having a flaw that detracts from their overall appeal.

4. "นกสวยต้องมีหาง" (Nok suai tong mee hang) - "A beautiful bird must have a tail." This saying suggests that true beauty is not just skin deep and that inner qualities are just as important as outward appearance.

5. "นกเขาดี หางดี" (Nok khao dee, hang dee) - "Good bird, good tail." This saying is used to praise someone who is not only talented or attractive but also has a good character or personality.

Above is Beautiful bird thai sayings.

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