Beautiful native sayings

1. "Walk lightly in the spring; Mother Earth is pregnant." - Kiowa proverb

2. "Listen to the wind, it talks. Listen to the silence, it speaks. Listen to your heart, it knows." - Native American proverb

3. "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children." - Native American proverb

4. "The soul would have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears." - Native American proverb

5. "Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children." - Native American proverb

6. "When all the trees have been cut down, when all the animals have been hunted, when all the waters are polluted, when all the air is unsafe to breathe, only then will you discover you cannot eat money." - Cree prophecy

7. "The greatest strength is gentleness." - Iroquois proverb

8. "Don't be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts." - Hopi proverb

9. "We will be known forever by the tracks we leave." - Dakota proverb

10. "May the stars carry your sadness away, may the flowers fill your heart with beauty, may hope forever wipe away your tears." - Apache blessing

Above is Beautiful native sayings.

Silly motivational sayings

1. Don't be a potato, be a sweet potato - always strive to be a little sweeter!2. Don't worry about the haters, they're just confused admirers in disguise.3. Life is like a box of chocolates - full of surprises and sometimes a little nutty!4. Keep calm and pretend it's on the lesson plan.5.

Remembrance memory pillow sayings

1. Forever in our hearts2. In loving memory3. Gone but never forgotten4. Always in our thoughts5. Cherished memories6. Rest in peace7. In loving memory of a life well lived8. You will always be remembered9. Forever missed, never forgotten10. Your memory lives on in our hearts

Famous german sayings and translations

1. Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei. - Everything has an end, only the sausage has two.2. Wer rastet, der rostet. - He who rests, rusts.3. Viele Köche verderben den Brei. - Too many cooks spoil the broth.4. Geld allein macht nicht glücklich. - Money alone doesn't make you happy.5.

Portuguese sayings about friendship

1. Amigos, amigos, negócios à parte. (Friends are friends, business is business.)2. Quem tem um amigo, tem um tesouro. (He who has a friend, has a treasure.)3. Amigo de verdade é aquele que está ao seu lado nos momentos difíceis. (A true friend is the one who is by your side in difficult times

Don rickles sayings

Don Rickles was known for his quick wit and sharp tongue. Some of his famous sayings include:1. I'm not a big one for jokes. I can't sit around memorizing jokes. I just don't have that kind of mind.2. You throw your best punch, otherwise don't do it.3. I don't practice; I don't rehearse. I don'

Bible sayings framed

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Wedding card thank you sayings

1. Thank you for sharing in our special day and for your thoughtful gift. We are truly grateful for your love and support.2. Your presence at our wedding meant the world to us. Thank you for being a part of our joyous celebration.3. We are so grateful for your kind words, warm wishes, and gener

Thelma and louise sayings

1. You get what you settle for.2. Let's keep going.3. We're not in the business of being liked.4. We're fugitives, remember?5. Somebody said get a life... so they did.6. I don't ever remember feeling this awake.7. You be sweet, okay? And if you can't be sweet, be careful.8. I'm not go

Cute baby sayings on shirts

1. Mommy's little miracle2. Daddy's little sidekick3. Tiny but mighty4. I'm the boss, baby5. Little ray of sunshine6. Milk drunk7. Cutest pumpkin in the patch8. Born to be wild9. Drool is my superpower10. Snuggle bug

Morning sayings to a male friend

1. Rise and shine, buddy! It's a brand new day full of possibilities.2. Good morning, my friend! May your day be as bright and cheerful as your smile.3. Hey there, morning person! Time to seize the day and make it awesome.4. Morning, mate! Let's tackle today with enthusiasm and positivity.5.