Beautiful scottish gaelic sayings

1. "Is fheàrr teine beag a gharas na teine mòr a loisgeas." (A small fire that warms is better than a big fire that burns.)

2. "Thig crioch air an t-saoghal, ach mairidh gaol is ceòl." (The world will come to an end, but love and music will endure.)

3. "Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh." (There is no flood that does not recede.)

4. "Ged nach eil sinn aig a' chèilidh, tha sinn aig a' chòmhradh." (Though we are not at the gathering, we are in conversation.)

5. "An teanga agus an ceòl, còmhla a dh'èirich, còmhla a thuiteas." (Language and music, together they rise, together they fall.)

6. "Bidh an t-àm aig gach duine aig an robh e." (Everyone has their time.)

7. "Chan eil duine ann nach eil aige ach a chuid fhèin." (There is no person who has nothing but their own share.)

8. "Tha eagal air a' chù agus tha eagal air a' chù ann." (The dog is afraid and the dog is afraid there.)

9. "Tha an t-àm a' falbh, ach tha an t-àite a' fuireach." (Time is passing, but the place remains.)

10. "Is fheàrr teine beò na teine marbh." (A live fire is better than a dead fire.)

Above is Beautiful scottish gaelic sayings.

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