Beauty and brain quotes and sayings

1. "Beauty without intelligence is a masterpiece painted on a napkin." - Unknown

2. "Beauty gets the attention, but personality captures the heart." - Unknown

3. "The most beautiful thing a woman can wear is confidence." - Blake Lively

4. "Beauty may be dangerous but intelligence is lethal." - Unknown

5. "A beautiful face will age and a perfect body will change, but a beautiful mind will always be a beautiful mind." - Unknown

6. "Beauty attracts the eye but personality captures the heart." - Unknown

7. "Intelligence will never stop being beautiful." - Unknown

8. "Beauty is power; a smile is its sword." - John Ray

9. "The most beautiful thing about a person isn't looks, but heart and personality." - Unknown

10. "Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart." - Kahlil Gibran

Above is Beauty and brain quotes and sayings.

Valentine sayings for teachers

1. You're the heart of our classroom, teacher!2. Teaching with love and passion, thank you for all you do.3. You make learning a joy, happy Valentine's Day!4. Teaching is a work of heart, and you excel at it!5. You're a special teacher who fills our hearts with knowledge and kindness.6. T

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1. Ást er líf - Love is life.2. Ástin er lykillinn til hamingju - Love is the key to happiness.3. Ástin gerir allt ljóst - Love makes everything clear.4. Ástin býr í hjarta - Love resides in the heart.5. Ástin er eins og eldur - Love is like fire.6. Ástin er eins og blóm - Love is like a

English breakfast sayings

1. Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dine like a pauper.2. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.3. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.4. A good breakfast fuels you up and gets you ready for the day.5. Start yo

Gabriel sayings

1. Do not be afraid, for I am with you.2. Trust in the Lord with all your heart.3. Love your neighbor as yourself.4. Seek first the kingdom of God.5. Let your light shine before others.6. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.7. Blessed are the peacemakers.8. Forgive other

Guitar player quotes and sayings

1. The guitar is a small orchestra. It is polyphonic. Every string is a different color, a different voice. - Andres Segovia2. The guitar is a miniature orchestra in itself. - Ludwig van Beethoven3. To play a wrong note is insignificant; to play without passion is inexcusable. - Ludwig van Bee

Cool trucker sayings

1. Keep on truckin'!2. 10-4, good buddy!3. If the wheels ain't turnin', you ain't earnin'.4. I'm not just a truck driver, I'm a road warrior.5. I'm haulin' the mail!6. My truck, my rules.7. Ain't nothin' but a truck thang.8. I'm not lost, I'm just exploring new routes.9. I may be sl

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Edge sayings

1. The only way to find the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible. - Arthur C. Clarke2. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. - Neale Donald Walsch3. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. - Steve Jobs4. Success is not final, failure is not f

Deputy bride sayings

1. I do, but only as deputy bride!2. Deputy bride reporting for duty!3. I may be the deputy bride, but I'm still the boss!4. Deputy bride, ready to assist the main bride in any way needed.5. Deputy bride: here to support, help, and celebrate!6. Being the deputy bride means double the love

Cute sayings for end of school year

1. It's been a year full of learning, laughter, and growth. Here's to a summer of fun and relaxation!2. Goodbye textbooks, hello sunshine! Wishing you a fantastic summer break.3. As this school year comes to a close, remember that the best is yet to come. Keep shining bright!4. School's out f