Beer carrier sayings

1. "Life is brew-tiful with good friends and cold beer."

2. "Beer: because no great story ever started with someone eating a salad."

3. "In beer we trust."

4. "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."

5. "Save water, drink beer."

6. "Beer: helping people dance since [year of establishment]."

7. "Beer: because adulting is hard."

8. "Beer makes everything better."

9. "Beer: the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems."

10. "Good beer, good friends, good times."

Above is Beer carrier sayings.

Meaningful sayings in italian

1. Chi ben comincia è a metà dell'opera. (A good start is half the battle.)2. La vita è un viaggio, non una destinazione. (Life is a journey, not a destination.)3. L'importante non è vincere, ma partecipare. (The important thing is not to win, but to take part.)4. Dove c'è amore, c'è vita. (

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