Before you speak sayings

"Think before you speak."

Above is Before you speak sayings.

Crazy sayings generator

Sure, here are some random and funny sayings for you:1. I'm not crazy, my reality is just different than yours.2. I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.3. I'm not lazy, I'm just on energy-saving mode.4. I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.5. I'm not a complete idiot, some parts

Rumsfeld sayings

Here are some famous quotes by Donald Rumsfeld, former United States Secretary of Defense:1. Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to

Crypto sayings

1. Buy the dip, sell the rip.2. HODL: Hold On for Dear Life.3. Not your keys, not your crypto.4. To the moon!5. Do your own research (DYOR).6. When in doubt, zoom out.7. The trend is your friend.8. Fear and greed drive the market.9. In crypto we trust.10. Crypto never sleeps.

Pooh vaction sayings

1. Oh, bother, I need a vacation!2. Just keep swimming, just keep my vacation!3. Adventure is out there, and I'm off to find it on vacation!4. Hakuna Matata, it's vacation time!5. To infinity and beyond...on my vacation!6. Life is like a box of chocolates, and I choose vacat

Cliche sword sayings

1. The pen is mightier than the sword.2. Live by the sword, die by the sword.3. A sword is only as strong as the hand that wields it.4. To the victor go the spoils of war.5. All is fair in love and war.6. The sword of justice cuts both ways.7. Actions speak louder than words.8. The sw

Funny wise sayings about birthdays

1. Birthdays are nature's way of telling us to eat more cake.2. Age is just a number, but cake is a delicious reality.3. Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional.4. Birthdays are like cheese - they get better with age.5. You know you're getting old when the candles cost more tha

Cute onesie sayings baby boy

1. Mommy's Little Man2. Daddy's Sidekick3. Little Dude, Big Attitude4. Milk Monster5. Future Heartbreaker6. King of Cuddles7. Wild Child8. Adventurer in Training9. Little Prince Charming10. Mommy's Little Superhero

Budweiser sayings

1. This Bud's for you.2. King of Beers.3. Grab some Buds.4. The great American Lager.5. Budweiser. The beer that starts with B.6. The perfect balance of flavor and refreshment.7. Brewed the hard way.8. The beer that doesn't compromise.9. Be a King of Beers.10. Budweiser. The beer

Isa still game sayings

Sure, here are some popular sayings from the Scottish sitcom Still Game:1. I'm no' bein' funny, but...2. Aye, right!3. See you, Jimmy!4. Yer aff yer heid!5. Keep the heid!6. It's a stoater!7. Yer bum's oot the windae!8. D'ye ken what I mean?9. Ah, ya dancer!10. It's a pure belte

Creative sayings about family

1. Family is not an important thing, it's everything.2. Family is like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one.3. In the garden of life, family is the most beautiful flower.4. Family is the compass that guides us through life's journey.5. Family i