Being a gentleman sayings funny

1. "I'm not a gentleman because I open doors for ladies, I'm a gentleman because I close them after they walk through."

2. "I'm not a gentleman, I'm a gentle man... until someone takes the last slice of pizza."

3. "I always say 'please' and 'thank you' because it's easier than explaining why I'm right."

4. "I may not be a knight in shining armor, but I can definitely be a dork in aluminum foil."

5. "I'm not a gentleman, I'm a gentle giant... until someone messes with my snacks."

6. "I hold the door open for people not because I'm a gentleman, but because I don't want to get stuck behind slow walkers."

7. "I'm a gentleman in the streets, but a freak in the spreadsheets."

8. "I may not have a fancy suit and tie, but I do have a collection of witty comebacks and dad jokes."

9. "I'm not a gentleman, I'm a gentle reminder that chivalry isn't dead... it's just taking a nap."

10. "I may not have a monocle and a top hat, but I do have a sarcastic comment for every occasion."

Above is Being a gentleman sayings funny.

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