Belizean proverbs sayings

1. "Every mek a moko have e day."

Translation: Every monkey has its day.

2. "One, one coco full basket."

Translation: Little by little, a coconut fills the basket.

3. "Wah noh know, noh know."

Translation: What you don't know, you don't know.

4. "Dehn weh go da dance, haffi pay di fiddler."

Translation: Those who go to the dance must pay the fiddler.

5. "Da noh all wah swing dehn wah hang."

Translation: Not everyone who smiles at you is your friend.

6. "Dehn weh gat, gat."

Translation: Those who have, have.

7. "Wah sweet a mout, soh bitter a belly."

Translation: What tastes good in the mouth may be bitter in the belly.

8. "Wah noh see, heart noh leap."

Translation: Out of sight, out of mind.

9. "Dehn weh plant, wah reap."

Translation: You reap what you sow.

10. "One hand cyaa clap."

Translation: It takes two to tango.

Above is Belizean proverbs sayings.

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