Benny the ball sayings

1. "I'm always up for a game, just give me a toss!"

2. "I may be small, but I've got big bounce!"

3. "I love rolling around and exploring new places."

4. "Catch me if you can, I'm the fastest ball in town!"

5. "Life is a ball when you're rolling with me!"

6. "I'm round and proud, ready for some fun!"

7. "Bounce back from any setback, just like me!"

8. "I bring joy and laughter wherever I go."

9. "Don't let life deflate you, keep bouncing back like me!"

10. "I may be just a ball, but I've got a lot of spirit!"

Above is Benny the ball sayings.

Preemie sayings

1. Tiny but mighty.2. Born a fighter.3. Miracles come in small packages.4. Little but fierce.5. Small but strong.6. Preemie power.7. A little bit of heaven sent down to earth.8. Incredibly small, incredibly loved.9. Warrior in progress.10. Blessing in a small bundle.

Famous british sayings phrases

1. Keep calm and carry on.2. Mind the gap.3. Bob's your uncle.4. It's not my cup of tea.5. The bee's knees.6. Cheerio!7. A storm in a teacup.8. As right as rain.9. A penny for your thoughts.10. Chin up.

Jumping sayings and quotes

1. Jump and you will find out how to unfold your wings as you fall. - Ray Bradbury2. Life is like a jump, and the parachute is your safety net. - Haddon Robinson3. Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith first, the trust part comes later. - Manprit Kaur4. Jumping at several small opportuni

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1. Forever in our hearts, our beloved daughter2. Gone too soon, but never forgotten, our precious daughter3. In loving memory of our beautiful daughter4. An angel in heaven, our cherished daughter5. Always in our thoughts, our dear daughter6. A light that will never fade, our beloved daug

Biblical love sayings

1. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. - 1 Corinthians 13:42. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. - 1 Peter 4:83. Love one another as I have loved you. - John 13:344. Let all that you do be done in l

Can i use cartoon sayings on a t shirt

Yes, you can use cartoon sayings on a t-shirt as long as you have the rights to use the specific saying or quote. If the saying is from a popular cartoon or character, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright holder before using it on a t-shirt for commercial purposes. It's always a good

Japanese sayings about swords

1. 刀は心の鏡 (Katana wa kokoro no kagami) - The sword is the mirror of the soul.2. 剣は生きている (Ken wa ikiteiru) - The sword is alive.3. 剣を振るう者は剣に斃れる (Ken o furuu mono wa ken ni taoreru) - He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.4. 剣を持つ者は心を持つ (Ken o motsu mono wa kokoro o motsu) - He who