Bereavement sayings for flowers

1. "In loving memory"

2. "Forever in our hearts"

3. "Gone but never forgotten"

4. "With deepest sympathy"

5. "Rest in peace"

6. "In loving memory of a life well lived"

7. "May your soul find peace"

8. "You will always be remembered"

9. "In loving memory of a beautiful soul"

10. "Forever in our thoughts"

Above is Bereavement sayings for flowers.

Ronaldo sayings

1. Your love makes me strong, your hate makes me unstoppable.2. Dreams are not what you see in your sleep, dreams are things which do not let you sleep.3. I'm living a dream I never want to wake up from.4. I don't have to show anything to anyone. There is nothing to prove.5. Talent without

Cute sayings about kisses

1. A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. - Ingrid Bergman2. Kissing is like drinking salted water: you drink and your thirst increases. - Chinese Proverb3. A kiss is a secret told to the mouth instead of the ear; kisses are the messengers of l

Funny juggalo sayings

1. Whoop whoop, clown love forever!2. Juggalos don't die, we just keep on clownin'.3. I'm not a regular clown, I'm a Juggalo clown – much scarier!4. Life's a circus and I'm the main attraction, whoop whoop!5. Juggalo for life, no makeup can hide my true colors.6. Don't hate the clown, hat

Meerkat sayings

1. Stay alert, stay alive.2. Together we are strong.3. Dig deep for what you seek.4. Family is everything.5. Adapt or perish.6. The early meerkat catches the worm.7. Work hard, play hard.8. Stand tall, stand proud.9. In unity, there is strength.10. Keep your eyes on the horizon.

Invitation sayings for engagement party

1. Join us as we celebrate the love and commitment of [Couple's Names] at their engagement party!2. Let's raise a toast to the happy couple at their engagement party!3. You're invited to share in the joy of [Couple's Names] as they embark on their journey to forever.4. Come celebrate the begi

Old barnsley sayings

1. As daft as a brush - used to describe someone who is acting foolishly or silly.2. Bob's your uncle - a phrase meaning there you go or there it is.3. Don't count your chickens before they hatch - a warning not to make plans based on something that may not happen.4. It's like shelling pe

Sayings about friends who use you

1. A true friend doesn't use you for their own gain.2. Fair-weather friends will use you when it's convenient for them.3. Beware of friends who only stick around when they need something from you.4. A friend who uses you is no friend at all.5. Don't mistake manipulation for friendship.6.

Lights camera action sayings

1. Lights, camera, action!2. The show must go on!3. It's showtime!4. Roll camera, roll sound, action!5. Cue the lights, cue the camera, cue the action!6. Let's make some magic!7. Time to shine!8. Ready, set, action!9. The stage is set, the cameras are rolling, let's do this!10. Lights up, camera on,

Sayings about wishing things were different

1. If only things were different, we could have a different outcome.2. Wishing for change won't make it happen, but it's a start.3. Sometimes we wish for things to be different, but we must accept what is.4. Wishing things were different is like hoping for a different reality.5. If only we

Cute baby elephant sayings

1. I may be small, but my heart is big!2. Trunk up for good luck!3. I'm just a little peanut in a big world.4. I may be tiny, but I'm mighty!5. Elephants never forget to be adorable.6. I'm just a little stomp away from stealing your heart.7. I'm a little wrinkly, but that just adds to m