Best emo sayings

1. "I'm not okay, but I'll pretend to be for your sake."

2. "My heart is a graveyard, and I'm burying all my feelings."

3. "I wear my scars like a badge of honor, a reminder of the battles I've fought."

4. "I'm drowning in a sea of my own thoughts, struggling to stay afloat."

5. "I'm a mess of contradictions, a puzzle with missing pieces."

6. "My tears are the words my heart can't express."

7. "I'm a prisoner of my own mind, locked in a cycle of self-destruction."

8. "I paint on a smile to hide the pain that's tearing me apart inside."

9. "I'm a ghost of who I used to be, haunting the memories of a happier time."

10. "I'm lost in a world that doesn't understand me, searching for a place to belong."

Above is Best emo sayings.

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