Best kikuyu sayings

1. "Mwene nyaga ni wa muiritu." - God belongs to the humble.

2. "Mwiriria wa ngai ni wendo." - The fear of God is wisdom.

3. "Kwega ni kwihega." - Togetherness is strength.

4. "Mwaki wa ngai ni wa ng'ombe." - God's work is never in vain.

5. "Mwega ni muthenya." - Goodness is a virtue.

6. "Kwega ni kwihega, kwihega ni kweria." - Unity is strength, strength is in perseverance.

7. "Mwene nyaga ni wa wendo." - God belongs to the loving.

8. "Mwaki wa ngai ni wa muthenya." - God's work is for the virtuous.

9. "Kwega ni kwihega, kwihega ni kweria, kweria ni kuhinga." - Unity is strength, strength is in perseverance, perseverance leads to success.

10. "Mwega ni muthenya, muthenya ni wendo." - Goodness is a virtue, virtue is love.

Above is Best kikuyu sayings.

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