Best stupid quotes sayings
1. "I'm not clumsy, I'm just testing the gravity."
2. "I'm not lazy, I'm just on energy-saving mode."
3. "I'm not short, I'm vertically challenged."
4. "I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing."
5. "I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right."
6. "I'm not a control freak, but can I show you the right way to do that?"
7. "I'm not weird, I'm limited edition."
8. "I'm not a shopaholic, I'm helping the economy."
9. "I'm not a morning person, I'm a coffee person."
10. "I'm not ignoring you, I'm just prioritizing my cat's needs."
Above is Best stupid quotes sayings.
1. Death is only the beginning.2. Embrace the darkness within.3. In death, we serve.4. The cold hand of death will claim you.5. Life is fleeting, but death is eternal.6. I will feast on your soul.7. The grave calls for you.8. Death comes for us all.9. I am the harbinger of your end.
1. What's up, Doc? - Bugs Bunny2. I'm ready, I'm ready! - SpongeBob SquarePants3. To infinity and beyond! - Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story)4. Scooby-Dooby-Doo! - Scooby-Doo5. I am vengeance, I am the night, I am Batman! - Batman (Batman: The Animated Series)6. Oh, bother. - Winnie the Pooh7.
1. Do not be people without minds of your own, saying that if others treat you well you will treat them well, and that if they do wrong you will do wrong. Instead, accustom yourselves to do good if people do good and not to do wrong if they do evil. 2. The best among you are those who have the be
Here are some quotes attributed to Ludwig van Beethoven:1. Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life.2. To play a wrong note is insignificant; to play without passion is inexcusable.3. Music should strike fire from the heart of man, and bring tears from the eyes of woman.
Here are some sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that are well-known among Muslims:1. The best among you are those who have the best manners and character. (Sahih Bukhari)2. Do not be people without minds of your own, saying that if others treat you well you will treat th
1. Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do. - Benjamin Spock2. Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle. - Christian D. Larson3. You are capable of more than you know. - Glinda the Good Witch4. You have wit
1. Life is just a bowl of cherries.2. Cherry on top.3. Cherry-pick the best.4. Cherry red lips.5. Cherry blossom beauty.6. Cherry sweet smile.7. Cherry ripe for the picking.8. Cherry jubilee.9. Cherry-pick the best moments in life.10. Cherry on the cake.
1. Paw-some birthday wishes to a special pup!2. Hope your birthday is filled with adventure and fun, just like the Paw Patrol!3. Sending you a rescue mission of birthday joy!4. Happy birthday to a true Paw Patrol fan! Let's save the day together!5. Ruff-ruff-ruff-tastic birthday to you!6.
1. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. - Steve Jobs2. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. - Albert Einstein3. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer4. The bes
1. Dil ba chashm, chashm ba dil - دل بہ چشم، چشم بہ دلTranslation: Heart to eye, eye to heart.Meaning: Understanding each other without speaking.2. Gohar-e-shabnam - گوہرِ شبنمTranslation: Pearl of dew.Meaning: Something delicate and beautiful.3. Dil az dast raftan - دل از دست رفتنTranslation: