Best vine sayings

1. "Do it for the Vine!"

2. "Why you always lyin'?"

3. "Back at it again with the white Vans."

4. "I ain't get no sleep 'cause of y'all, y'all not gonna get no sleep 'cause of me!"

5. "It's Wednesday, my dudes."

6. "What are those?!"

7. "Road work ahead? Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does."

8. "I could've dropped my croissant!"

9. "Two bros, chillin' in a hot tub, five feet apart 'cause they're not gay."

10. "I smell like beef."

Above is Best vine sayings.

Chicken coop sayings

1. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.2. Running around like a headless chicken.3. Happy as a hen in a coop.4. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.5. Like a fox in the henhouse.6. Ruling the roost.7. Clucking up a storm.8. Nesting instincts.9. Feathered friends.10. Cock

Sayings about trophies

1. Trophies are not just symbols of victory, but reminders of the hard work and dedication it took to achieve them.2. A trophy is a physical representation of the effort and sacrifice put into achieving a goal.3. Trophies are not won, they are earned through perseverance and determination.4.

Sayings about texting

1. Texting is a silent form of communication that speaks volumes.2. In a world of constant connectivity, texting is the thread that keeps us all connected.3. Texting is like a modern-day love letter, written in the language of emojis and abbreviations.4. Texting is the art of saying a lot wit

Sayings on dark girls

1. Dark skin is not a crime, it's a beautiful shade of melanin.2. Don't let anyone dim your light just because they can't handle your brightness.3. Black is not just a color, it's a statement of strength and beauty.4. Embrace the darkness within you, for it holds the power of the universe.5.

Cute sayings with animals

1. You're as sly as a fox and as wise as an owl.2. You're the bee's knees!3. You're as strong as a bear and as quick as a rabbit.4. You're as graceful as a swan.5. You're as loyal as a dog.6. You're as busy as a bee.7. You're as playful as a kitten.8. You're as proud as a peacock.9.

Happy holiday funny sayings

1. I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, but if the white runs out, I'll drink the red.2. I'm on the naughty list and I regret nothing.3. I'm only a morning person on December 25th.4. All I want for Christmas is a nap.5. Dear Santa, I can explain...6. Christmas calories don't count, right?7

Funny leg sayings

1. I've got legs for days, but they're mostly used for tripping over things.2. My legs are like noodles - they're always bending in strange ways.3. I have a love-hate relationship with my legs. They take me places, but they also make me fall flat on my face.4. I've got two left legs and no rh

Bangs sayings

1. She bangs, she bangs - Ricky Martin2. Bang for your buck3. Bang on target4. Bang-up job5. Bang for the buck6. Bang goes the theory7. Bang on the money8. Bang for the buck9. Bang the drum10. Bang for your buck

Detroit lions sayings inspirational

1. One Pride, One Goal, One Team.2. Defend the den, roar together.3. Heart of a Lion, Strength of a Team.4. In the jungle of life, we are the kings.5. Rise up, roar loud, never back down.6. Lions never retreat, we only roar louder.7. From underdogs to champions, believe in the roar.8.

Funny anniversary card sayings

1. Happy anniversary! Let's celebrate another year of putting up with each other's quirks and bad jokes.2. Congratulations on surviving another year of my snoring and your blanket-stealing. Here's to many more!3. I love you more than pizza, and that's saying a lot. Happy anniversary!4. Cheers