Better off dead sayings

1. "I'd rather be dead than red in the head."

2. "I'd rather be dead than red in the face."

3. "I'd rather be dead than red in the ledger."

4. "I'd rather be dead than red in the ledger."

5. "I'd rather be dead than red in the ledger."

Above is Better off dead sayings.

Happy birthday sayings to my husband

1. Happy birthday to the love of my life! You make every day brighter and more beautiful.2. To my amazing husband on his special day, may your birthday be filled with love, joy, and all the happiness in the world.3. Cheers to another year of laughter, love, and unforgettable memories with you.

Close enough sayings

1. Close, but no cigar.2. Close, but no banana.3. Close, but not quite there.4. Close, but no dice.5. Close, but no cigarillo.6. Close, but not hitting the mark.7. Close, but not quite on the money.8. Close, but not quite cutting it.9. Close, but not quite nailing it.10. Close, bu

Building relationships sayings

1. A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you. - Elbert Hubbard2. In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. - Martin Luther King Jr.3. The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them. - Ernest Hemingway4.

Sayings for abandoned areas

1. Nature always finds a way to reclaim what is abandoned.2. In the silence of abandoned places, echoes of the past still linger.3. Abandoned places hold stories of forgotten dreams and lost memories.4. In the stillness of abandonment, there is a haunting beauty.5. Abandoned areas are like

Funny washington monument sayings

1. I'm just here for the pointy view.2. I'm the tallest obelisk in town, bow down!3. Washington Monument: making all other monuments feel inadequate since 1884.4. I may be stone cold, but I've got a warm personality.5. I stand tall, literally and figuratively.6. I'm so monument-al, they n

Cute country sayings for wedding invitations

1. Love is the greatest adventure, let's start ours together.2. Two hearts, one love, one life.3. Love is the tie that binds two hearts together.4. Together is a wonderful place to be.5. Love is the key that opens the door to happiness.6. Two souls, one heart, forever in love.7. Love is

Sayings about good character

1. Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. - Abraham Lincoln2. Your character is your destiny. - Heraclitus3. The best index to a person's character is how he treats people who can't do him any good, and how he treats

Funny sayings about wrinkles

1. Wrinkles are just laugh lines that got a little out of hand.2. Wrinkles are nature's way of showing that you've had a good time in life.3. Wrinkles are like a roadmap of all the smiles and frowns you've experienced.4. Wrinkles are proof that you've lived a life full of expressions.5. Wri

Mindcastr sayings

1. Believe in the power of your mind, for it holds the key to your success.2. Your thoughts create your reality, so choose them wisely.3. Unlock the potential of your mind and watch your dreams become reality.4. Visualize your goals, manifest your desires, and watch the magic happen.5. The

Cute lollipop valentine sayings

1. You're the sweetest treat in my life, just like this lollipop!2. You make my heart pop like a lollipop!3. You're the cherry on top of my lollipop heart.4. You're the stick to my lollipop, always by my side.5. You're the lollipop to my happiness, always bringing a smile to my face.6. Yo