Big spender sayings

1. "Money talks, but wealth whispers."

2. "Spend like there's no tomorrow, but save like there's no today."

3. "I'm not rich, I'm just good at spending money."

4. "Life is short, buy the shoes."

5. "I can't buy happiness, but I can buy things that make me happy."

6. "I'm not materialistic, I'm just appreciative of the finer things in life."

7. "I believe in retail therapy."

8. "Why save for a rainy day when you can buy an umbrella now?"

9. "I'm not extravagant, I'm just accustomed to a certain lifestyle."

10. "I don't have expensive taste, I have exquisite taste."

Above is Big spender sayings.

Distance quotes and sayings

1. Distance means so little when someone means so much. 2. Distance is just a test to see how far love can travel. 3. The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. - Helen Keller 4. Distance gives us a reason to love harder.

Wise sayings crossword clue


Sayings with opposites in them

1. Out of sight, out of mind.2. Opposites attract.3. Easy come, easy go.4. Love is blind.5. The early bird catches the worm.6. All good things must come to an end.7. Actions speak louder than words.8. Look before you leap.9. The pen is mightier than the sword.10. Absence makes the

Idioms or sayings

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Letting go of the past quotes and sayings

1. The past cannot be changed, forgotten, edited or erased; it can only be accepted. - Unknown2. Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny. - Steve Maraboli3. Don't let yesterday take up too much of today. - Will Rog

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Driving safety sayings

1. Drive as if every child on the street were your own.2. Better late than never arriving.3. Don't let your last text be your last words.4. Drive like your life depends on it, because it does.5. Arrive alive, don't drink and drive.6. Stay alert, don't get hurt.7. Don't be a fool, follow

Cheryl hole sayings

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I'm busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest!

Kavito sayings

1. Live in the moment and cherish every experience.2. Be kind to yourself and others, for kindness is a gift that keeps on giving.3. Embrace change and see it as an opportunity for growth.4. Find joy in the simple things and appreciate the beauty around you.5. Stay true to yourself and foll