Bill burr sayings

Bill Burr is a comedian known for his sharp wit and no-holds-barred humor. Here are some popular sayings and quotes from Bill Burr:

1. "You gotta be a man. You gotta be able to take a punch. You gotta be able to throw a punch. You gotta be able to take a punch and throw one back. That's how you get respect."

2. "There's no reason to hit a woman. It's the weakest thing you can do."

3. "You know what's funny? If you're a white dude and you're not really into sports, you get a lot of shit. People are like, 'What, are you gay?'"

4. "I'm not a big fan of the 'shock value' comedians. I like people who have a point of view."

5. "You know what's funny? If you're a white dude and you're not really into sports, you get a lot of shit. People are like, 'What, are you gay?'"

6. "I don't understand why people get so upset about getting older. You should be happy you're still alive. You should be happy you're not dead."

7. "You know what's funny? If you're a white dude and you're not really into sports, you get a lot of shit. People are like, 'What, are you gay?'"

8. "I'm not a big fan of the 'shock value' comedians. I like people who have a point of view."

These are just a few examples of Bill Burr's humor and perspective on various topics.

Above is Bill burr sayings.

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