Bingo numbers funny sayings

1. "B-4, because I'm too cool for school!"

2. "O-69, because that's the number of laughs I'll get when I win!"

3. "N-32, because I'm feeling lucky and dirty!"

4. "G-55, because that's how old I'll feel when I win!"

5. "I-18, because I'm legal to win this game!"

6. "O-75, because that's how many high-fives I'll give when I win!"

7. "B-11, because I'm feeling lucky like a double 1!"

8. "N-44, because that's how many times I'll shout 'Bingo!'"

9. "G-60, because that's how many seconds it'll take for me to win!"

10. "I-25, because that's how many reasons I have to win this game!"

Above is Bingo numbers funny sayings.

Egyptian goddess sayings

1. I am the mistress of heaven, the queen of all gods.2. I bring light to the darkness and wisdom to the ignorant.3. I am the protector of the innocent and the punisher of the wicked.4. My power is as vast as the desert sands and as eternal as the Nile.5. I am the embodiment of beauty, grac

Anniversary in heaven sayings for son facebook

1. Forever in our hearts, never forgotten. Happy anniversary in heaven, my dear son.2. Though you're not here with us, your spirit lives on. Happy anniversary in heaven, my precious son.3. On this anniversary in heaven, I feel your presence all around me. Love you always, my son.4. In the arm

Gracious sayings

1. Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. - Mark Twain2. In a world where you can be anything, be kind. - Unknown3. Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. - Plato4. No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. - Aesop5. The bes

Love confession quotes sayings

1. I have waited my whole life to find someone like you, and now that I have, I never want to let you go.2. You are the missing piece to my puzzle, the one I never knew I needed until I found you.3. Every moment with you feels like a dream, and I never want to wake up from this beautiful realit

Sayings for baby is coming

1. A baby is a blessing, a gift from heaven above.2. A new little life to fill your hearts with love.3. The pitter-patter of tiny feet, soon your family will be complete.4. A bundle of joy, a precious little one, your world is about to be filled with fun.5. Get ready for sleepless nights an

Funny chola sayings

Here are a few funny chola sayings:1. I didn't choose the chola life, the chola life chose me.2. I may be a chola, but I still put the 'fun' in dysfunctional.3. Mess with me and you'll get the chancla.4. I'm not a regular mom, I'm a chola mom.5. I'm not bossy, I just have better ideas.6.

Press sayings

1. Actions speak louder than words.2. The early bird catches the worm.3. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.4. A penny saved is a penny earned.5. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.6. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.7. The grass is always greener on the other side.

Chalk your walk sayings

1. Take the path less traveled and leave your mark.2. Every step you take is a step towards your dreams.3. Life is a journey, make sure to enjoy the walk.4. Leave a trail of kindness wherever you go.5. Walk with purpose and let your heart lead the way.6. Embrace the journey, for the desti

Famous creole sayings

1. Laissez les bons temps rouler - Let the good times roll2. C'est la vie - That's life3. Fais do-do - Go to sleep4. Lagniappe - A little something extra5. Joie de vivre - Joy of living6. Fais pas l'imbécile - Don't act foolish7. Cherchez la femme - Look for the woman8. Ça c'est bon

Love sayings in spanish

1. El amor todo lo puede. (Love can do anything.)2. El amor es ciego. (Love is blind.)3. Donde hay amor, hay vida. (Where there is love, there is life.)4. El amor verdadero nunca se desvanece. (True love never fades.)5. Amar es encontrar en la felicidad de otro la propia felicidad. (To lov