Bipolar sayings

1. "I am not my illness, but I do have it."

2. "Bipolar disorder is a part of me, but it does not define me."

3. "My moods may change, but my strength remains constant."

4. "Living with bipolar is a daily battle, but I am a warrior."

5. "In the chaos of my mind, I find moments of clarity and peace."

6. "I may be up one moment and down the next, but I am resilient."

7. "Bipolar is a rollercoaster ride, but I am learning to enjoy the highs and navigate the lows."

8. "My emotions may be intense, but so is my capacity for love and creativity."

9. "I am not broken, just beautifully complex."

10. "Bipolar disorder is a challenge, but I am stronger because of it."

Above is Bipolar sayings.

Southern sayings and slangs

1. Bless your heart - used to express sympathy or pity2. Y'all - a contraction of you all used to address a group of people3. Fixin' to - getting ready to do something4. Ain't - a colloquial contraction of am not, is not, or are not5. Hush your mouth - a way to tell someone to be q

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Which book contains the sayings of confucius

The sayings of Confucius are compiled in a book called The Analects. This book is a collection of teachings and conversations of Confucius, a Chinese philosopher and educator who lived during the Spring and Autumn period of Chinese history.

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Positive sayings and quot

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